Change Log
4.7.9 – 2025-03-17
- Updated default macronutrient ratios for more optimal nutritional balance across different weight management goals.
- Fixed the plugin settings link in the Hubspot settings.
4.7.8 – 2024-12-10
- Fixed bug with double initialization of selects in themes with select2.
4.7.7 – 2024-11-27
- Fixed the Send Email success message translation.
- Fixed the PDF generation bug.
4.7.6 – 2024-11-07
- Added minor improvements.
4.7.5 – 2024-10-09
- Added minor improvements.
4.7.4 – 2024-10-08
- Fixed the Mailchimp integration issue when the access token was not saved.
4.7.3 – 2024-10-08
- Fixed the Hubspot integration issue when the access token was not saved.
- Fixed the layout of the settings page for smoother scrolling.
4.7.2 – 2024-08-15
- Hotfix: Addressed an issue causing a minor functionality error.
4.7.1 – 2024-08-15
- Added fallback to send emails from the default site email address in case of a sending error.
4.7.0 – 2024-08-05
- Updated the licensing process.
- Added button to check license status if not valid.
- Refactored the structure of plugin classes.
4.6.0 – 2024-07-24
- Added integration with the
- Fixed issue with the Blocksy themes.
4.5.2 – 2024-06-07
- Fixed the link to the plugin settings in the ConvertKit section.
4.5.1 – 2024-05-28
- Fixed a bug with displaying user fields in the plugin admin.
4.5.0 – 2024-04-29
- Added integration with ConvertKit.
- Added the ability to enable and disable Mailchimp, Hubspot, Zapier integrations at the calculator settings level.
- Updated error handling of Mailchimp, Hubspot, Zapier integrations.
4.4.1 – 2024-04-05
- Fixed an issue with displaying and exporting a large number of entries.
4.4.0 – 2024-03-20
- Added compatibility with Elementor 3.20
4.3.14 – 2024-03-11
- Fixed mail sending bug on some servers.
4.3.13 – 2024-02-28
- In the case of not sending an email with the Instant View with Email request result type, the results will still be displayed, but will show an error of sending an email. It is strongly recommended to configure sending Email from the site using SMTP.
- Fixed bug with redirect after sending email.
4.3.12 – 2024-02-22
- Fixed mail sending bug on some servers.
4.3.11 – 2024-02-13
- Fixed a bug with calculator display when user and admin notifications are disabled.
4.3.10 – 2024-02-07
- Fixed a bug with HTML email display in some email clients.
4.3.9 – 2024-02-05
- The reCaptcha check is now triggered before user data is written to the database and sent to integration services.
- Add plain text content to HTML email.
- Removed the “From:” and “From Name:” fields, as the service requires sending mail via SMTP to work correctly on the site.
4.3.8 – 2024-01-15
- Fixed a bug with clearing the Elementor cache when updating the entries database.
- Removed the Add New Calculator button from the Calculator settings page.
4.3.7 – 2023-09-19
- Changed default goal achievement coefficients.
4.3.6 – 2023-08-16
- Added compatibility with Elementor v3.15.2.
4.3.5 – 2023-08-14
- Fixed bug with insufficient result animation time when the instant result is displayed.
4.3.4 – 2023-07-27
- Fixed bug with the name of the fields in generating data from the user form.
4.3.3 – 2023-07-03
- Added an option to hide Target Calorie Intake in the results block.
- Fixed bug with the Instant Result animation.
- Fixed bug with the Imperial system height in the Email and PDF templates.
4.3.2 – 2023-06-16
- Fixed a bug with connecting the PDF library.
4.3.1 – 2023-06-15
- Fixed bug with disabling administrator notification.
- Changed Get Help link in the menu.
4.3.0 – 2023-06-14
- Added Hubspot integration
- Added option to download calculation results as PDF.
4.2.4 – 2023-06-06
- Fixed bug with the Elementor script notice.
4.2.3 – 2023-06-05
- Fixed bug with double form submission.
4.2.2 – 2023-06-05
- Fixed a DB error when updating the plugin.
4.2.1 – 2023-06-02
- Added option to redirect user to any page after form submission.
- Renewed design of the admin panel.
- Changed the order of user consent field display.
4.2.0 – 2023-05-29
- Added saving user data to the database.
- Added the ability to export user data to CSV.
- Updated translations.
4.1.0 – 2023-04-28
- Added the ability to construct a user data collection form with new fields – lastname, phone, website url, message and two custom fields.
- Changed field validation and user consent verification.
- Fixed bug with Elementor widget on block themes for registered users.
- Minified styles for Slick slider.
- Updated translations.
4.0.12 – 2023-03-10
- Hot fixes.
4.0.11 – 2023-03-10
- Fixed a bug when adding a user to Mailchimp if the E-mail was permanently removed from the audience or uses a non-existent domain.
4.0.10 – 2023-03-03
- Fixed bug with incorrect value of minimum normal weight when calculating BMI index.
4.0.9 – 2023-02-06
- Added the default value of the custom label when deleting the saved one.
- Data for Mailchimp is updated when there is an E-mail on the audience list.
4.0.8 – 2023-02-03
- Added minor improvements.
4.0.7 – 2023-01-19
- Added French language.
4.0.6 – 2023-01-09
- Optimized performance.
- Updated translations.
4.0.5 – 2023-01-05
- Updated translations.
4.0.4 – 2022-12-20
- Added option to enable user notification for “Instant View with Email request” type of results.
- Added the option to enable Double Opt-In in Mailchimp integration.
4.0.3 – 2022-12-19
- Added option to select user’s default sex.
4.0.2 – 2022-12-09
- Added option to disable WYSIWIG editor in Email templates
4.0.1 – 2022-12-05
- Fixed Mailchimp synchronization issue with unsaved calculator settings.
4.0.0 – 2022-11-28
- Added the fully customizable Elementor Widget.
- Added new type of results display – immediately with Email request.
- Added GDPR support (user acceptance of Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions).
- Added Google reCAPTCHA v3 support.
- Added Mailchimp tags support.
- Added ability to hide activity and targets in calculation.
- Added ability to disable the administrator notification.
- Added a link for quick editing of the calculator for administrators.
- Added WYSIWIG editor and HTML support for notification templates.
- Added the ability to customize success and error messages.
- Fixed some minor style bugs.
3.0.4 – 2022-05-02
- Improving the stability of sending emails with the result.
3.0.3 – 2022-04-19
- Fixed bug with empty From headers when using SMTP.
3.0.2 – 2022-04-19
- Fixed bug with custom From headers when using SMTP.
3.0.1 – 2022-04-07
- Updated translations – German, Turkish, Russian.
3.0.0 – 2022-04-01
- Added ability to show or hide different calculations in the results block – BMI, BMR, Macronutrients.
- Added macronutrient ratio editing depending on the goal
- Added editing of activity levels
- Added integration with Zapier webhook (Catch Hook)
- Added RTL support
- Added the ability to change the default name and email in the “From:” field when sending notifications and emails.
- Fix bug with the Notification Email
- Fixed several bugs
2.0.5 – 2022-02-17
- Fixed bug with displaying svg icons loaded via CDN
- Fixed PHP notices
2.0.4 – 2021-12-03
- Fixed double colon in Labels Customization
2.0.3 – 2021-11-24
- Fixed padding for the Submit button
2.0.2 – 2021-11-23
- Fixed a bug with a switch in the compact pretty layout
2.0.1 – 2021-11-23
- Fixed a bug when saving an empty custom label
2.0.0 – 2021-11-19
- Added Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation
- Added Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) calculation
- Added Macronutrient Balance calculation
- New user-friendly admin panel
- Redesigned all themes
- Extended One-Screen and Extended Multistep Themes merged into one theme with advanced settings
- Added an option to switch between Slider and Grid modes in the Extended Theme
- Added an activity description to the Plain HTML Theme
- Added ability to change basic plugin font size
- Added ability to change color scheme with flexible settings
- Added ability to customize texts and labels
- Added a check for empty input fields
- Added styles for the Gutenberg block of the plugin
- Fixed errors of compatibility with basic WordPress themes
- Fixed bug with translating height from metric to imperial system
- Fixed bug with the number type field in Firefox and Safari browsers
- Fixed bug with deleting an empty row in the target table
- Updated translations (German, Russian)
- Fixed bug with names of Mailchimp lists
- Added Russian language
- Added German language
- Updated Turkish language
- Fixed problems of the second template with some paid themes
- Fixed shortcode copying bug
- Added Turkish language (provided by our client)
- Added the ability to compose Email templates for user and site administrator with the results of calculations using the received user data
- Added a new field “Username” used in composing Email templates and sent to the Mailchimp service along with the user’s Email
- Added the ability to hide the metric system selection
- Fixed titles size and weight in the Simple Plain HTML theme
- Fixed the bug with the border of the input fields
- Fixed a bug with some “untranslatable” headers and fields
- Fixed bug with extra comma
- Fixed a bug with the position of units of measurement in the fields in the third and fourth layout
- Added scrolling to the top of the calculator when changing steps in the “Extended Multi-Step” layout
- Added the ability to edit goals: change names, coefficients, delete goals and add new goals
- Fixed bug with infinite display of plugin update message
- Added auto-generation of a translation template (.pot file) when a plugin update is released, now the translation file will always be up-to-date
- Updated layout of the basic information fields
- Fixed typo for goal
- Fixed layout issues
- Fixed a bug with units of measurement in emails
- Initial release